Are there benefits to joining the Chamber? You betcha.
A detailed business directory. Exclusive member-to-member discounts. Networking opportunities out the wazoo. Free stuff. Yes, there are benefits to becoming a member!
There are some very good reasons why the membership retention rate is so high at the Mount Pearl-Paradise Chamber of Commerce. Beyond the access to other business contacts, discounts and events, the deeper value that the Chamber brings is a close-knit setting for people to really get to know each other and share ideas.

Members Directory
Our membership directory is a thing of beauty. After all, who wouldn’t want ready access to an up-to-date business directory containing the contacts and key information of hundreds of local businesses. Direct communication is critical in business and what better way to get a conversation started then by pulling up the Chamber’s business directory?
Affinity Programs
One of the great perks of membership at the Mount Pearl-Paradise Chamber of Commerce is the sheer number of saving opportunities available to members. A Group Insurance Program, a Group RRSP Program, an Esso Business & Fleet Card Program, Sona Pay. The list goes on and on!
Member-to-Member Benefits
Raise your hand if you love exclusive discounts and deals! If you raised your hand, you’re in the right place. Our members are a generous group and a number of them offer special deals to Chamber members. To get in on the savings or offer your own, all you have to do is become a member.
Networking Opportunities
Business is all about meeting the right people at the right time. At the Chamber, a big part of our mandate is to help facilitate these conversations through holding engaging and productive virtual and face-to-face events. Our events are relaxed and personable and a great setting for you to start new business relationships.
Ready to join?
Let’s chat.